Dr Miguel Ángel Sanjuán obtained his PhD in Industrial Chemistry from the Complutense University in 1992 defending a doctoral thesis on corrosion of concrete steel reinforcement, carried out at the “Eduardo Torroja” Institute of Construction Sciences. Between 1993 and 1995 he worked as an Academic Visitor (Marie Curie Fellow) at Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
Currently, Dr Miguel Ángel Sanjuán is the Head of the Cement and Mortars Area of the Spanish Institute of Cement and its Applications (IECA) and Associate Professor at the Technical University of Madrid since 2009. He is the Chairman of the Spanish Standardization Technical Committee UNE-CTN 80 “Cements and lime for construction” and Chairman of the European Standardization Technical Committee CEN/TC51/WG14 “Hydraulic Road Binders”.
He is involved in the development of estimation methods to assess the carbon dioxide uptake by mortars and concretes carbonation, which were presented to The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and included in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6).
The Spanish Institute of Cement and its Applications (IECA)
The Spanish Institute of Cement and its Applications (IECA) is a private technical institute dedicated to the study, advice and dissemination of knowledge and technologies related to cement and its by-products (concretes and mortars) and their applications.
One of IECA’s objectives is to disseminate the knowledge acquired, for which it periodically organizes technical conferences. In addition, work actively in national and European Technical committees, where participates in the work carried out to standardize several construction products, such as cement, mortar, concrete, precast concrete, aggregates and masonry products.
IECA develops and promotes work that contributes to the standardization of cements, both to establish the specifications and conformity criteria that cements must meet, as well as the corresponding test methods. Standardization contributes to meeting the challenges of the cement sector in areas such as the definition of new cements and cement-based materials, use of resources and circular economy, monitoring of emissions, etc.