More than 50 years of experience, several positions in multinational companies.
Worked in the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Egypt, Spain, USA, Honduras, Morocco, Mexico, Mozambique, Panama, Paraguay, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela.
Since 2000 dedicated to the theme “Waste to Energy”, and in recent years focused mainly on Urban Solid Waste.
The latest works:
- “Brazilian Market of Municipal Solid Waste as a source of Energy” for Business Finland.
- Definition of potential activity for Energy Recovery from Waste in Brazil for ABREN.
- Urban Solid Waste Projects as a source of energy in cities in Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, Morocco, Mozambique, Portugal, Tunisia, and Uruguay.
- Professor at FGV in the Executive MBA in Administration: Energy Recovery from Waste.
Functions in the “Waste to Energy” activity:
- Executive Director of W4 Resources Consultoria Ambiental, a company established in January 2019 with the Mission to support and participate in projects to transform waste into recyclables and energy in line with the concepts of Circular Economy.
- Vice President of the Board of ABREN – Brazilian Association for the Energy Recovery of Waste.
- Director responsible for the co-processing activity in different cement plants with global operations (Lafarge, Cimpor and INTERCEMENT) 2000 to 2018.
- Responsible for promoting the development of the activity in different countries where these Groups had industrial facilities.
- Active participation with ABCP (Brazilian Portland Cement Association) in the definition of the ROAD MAP of the Brazilian cement industry regarding CO2 emissions
- Organized several missions in Europe of entrepreneurs working in the “Waste to Energy” activity in different countries.
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of AVE – Gestão Ambiental e Valorização Energética in Portugal.
- Founder and President of ECO PROCESSA TRATAMENTO DE RESIDUOS, a Joint Venture of the Lafarge/Cimpor and InterCement Groups in the activity of energy recovery from waste.
•Implemented projects in 12 countries (A. Latin, Europe, Africa and Asia)• Speaker in several National and International Seminars.